Should the 4th Reich be able to completely destroy America's identity, their strongest advocates may learn that TDS is a terminal illness. The Gulag Archipeligo explains what happens to the loudest of the pro-fascist proles once the totalitarian regime is established.

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Scapegoating and denial on the Left. However on the Right we have what I enjoy calling Military Derangement Syndrome. No amount of money shoved into the gaping maw of Arms Merchants for weapons that do not work and security we cannot have is enough. We must recognize the logic of limiting the franchise to adults. We are doomed by Gresham's law. Bad drives out good. Deluded citizens vote for either team instead of smashing both into atoms and creating better.

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Believe me I know I've been talking about Trump derangement syndrome for a couple of years now. I've never seen anything so completely psychotic take control of so many people it's as if they've lost the ability to reason, well they have lost the ability to reason. It's like the Salem witch hunts. The same phenomena exists in the global warming believers they are absolutely religious about it I refer to it as the global warming religion because that's what it is.

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