Apr 17, 2022Liked by William Whitten -- Autodidact,

My goodness, Will. You have been busy (and deep in thought). Usually, I scan or ignore extremely long posts I have to take in consideration how much time I have left and whether my reading will expand my mind or focus it.

Thanks for giving Tanner's email address. I'm going to drop him MY Easter day blessings.

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If you wonder how the COVID hoax was pulled-off, if you wonder how governments around the world agreed in lockstep to crash their economies, to force-inject their citizens with lethal poison and to now starve them to death, the answer lies in our countries' UN membership, which made them automatic signatories to the WHO's 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR), which are legally binding on 196 countries.

This is all of the countries of the world, except for the Vatican and Palestine, which are "non-member observers", and Taiwan, which the UN considers to be part of China.

Our governments throughout the world have been infiltrated and are now controlled by World Economic Forum-trained fifth columnists intent on destroying our countries' sovereignty in order to usher in a One World Government and they are doing this via the IHR, which supersede the United States Constitution and all other constitutions in the world.



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"Re: am I a Marxist?

Not sure, as I don't really know what "Marxist" means these days."--Tanner Mirrlees

I meant to point this out in the article, but it is fine (long enough as it is) ... What I want to point out is Mirrlees' waffle. He does not give a direct answer to the question of if he is a Marxist, rather he goes on a long rant, a pretense of self confusion. This after claiming to be an expert on Marxism. Again this can only be seen as another example of his disingenuous rhetorical sophistry. This is the opposite of the rhetorical expertise of Mark Antony in his speech about why he came back to Rome, "not to praise Caesar, but to bury him."


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