The muscles, soft tissues, airways, and vascular structures of the anterior neck must be examined to identify signs of disease, injury, and therapy. A layer-by-layer dissection is necessary for proper evaluation of trauma to the anterior neck. Removal and ex situ dissection of the upper airway, pharynx, and upper esophagus is a necessary component of this evaluation. A dissection of the posterior neck is necessary when occult neck injury is suspected. The forensic pathologist shall:
F22.1 examine in situ muscles and soft tissues of the anterior neck.
F22.2 ensure proper removal of neck organs and airways.
F22.3 examine neck organs and airways.
F22.4 dissect the posterior neck in cases of suspected occult neck injury.
F22.5 perform anterior neck dissection in neck trauma cases.
Standard F23 Penetrating Injuries, Including Gunshot and Sharp Force Injuries
Documentation of penetrating injuries as listed below should include detail sufficient to provide meaningful information to users of the forensic autopsy report, and to permit another forensic pathologist to draw independent conclusions based on the documentation. The recovery and documentation of foreign bodies is important for evidentiary purposes. Internal wound pathway(s) shall be described according to organs and tissues and size of defects of these organs and tissues. The forensic pathologist shall:
F23.1 correlate internal injury to external injury
F23.2 describe and document the track of wound
F23.3 describe and document the direction of wound
F23.4 recover foreign bodies of evidentiary value
F23.5 describe and document recovered foreign body
Allen Dulles was the head of the CIA before being fired by Kennedy. This firing may have prompted the CIA to assassinate Kennedy.
Helms admitted that Clay Shaw was a CIA asset -- Joan Mellen’s explosive new book, "Our Man in Haiti: George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA in the Nightmare Republic," includes a 1992 document from the CIA’s own History Staff that declares Clay Shaw, to have been a “highly-paid contract source.”
The allegation of Shaw actually being paid by the CIA has been denied for years and was one reason for Shaw’s acquittal on the charges of conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy that were brought against him by New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison in 1967.
In a November 1969, Penthouse interview, Shaw declared, “I have never had any connection with the CIA.” Shaw died in 1974. Former CIA Director Helms, in 1979, stated under oath that Shaw had been simply a part-time contact for Agency and had volunteered his information, but this 1992 document clearly states Shaw was “highly-paid.”
The petition charges that Judge Haggerty has stated in open court that the Warren Report would not be admissible in evidence if and when offered' as such in Shaw's trial. – March 25, 1967 - Judge Edward A. Haggerty Jr. - The Warren Report may not be admitted as evidence.
(First published in Esquire, December 1966, pp.211ff)
Call the Important Witnesses Not Heard by the Commission
Concerning Oswald’s Activities
Pierce Allman, television newsman: Oswald had said that someone had approached him outside the Depository after the shooting and asked to be directed to the nearest phone. Oswald’s account corresponds with the actual experience of Pierce Allman, and this conflicts with the Commission’s reconstruction of Oswald’s “escape.”
Mary Dowling, waitress at Dobbs House: She told the F.B.I. that Oswald and Tippit were in the restaurant at the same time, two days before the assassination, and that Tippit especially noticed Oswald when he complained about his food. The Warren Report says that the two men were not acquainted and had never even seen each other.
Mr Hawks :Let me have your attention, please. You wanted to talk to some of the attending physicians. I have two of them here, Dr Malcolm Perry, an attending surgeon here at the Parkland Memorial Hospital. He will talk to you first, and then Dr Kemp Clark, the chief neurosurgeon here at the hospital. He will tell you what he knows about it. Dr Perry.Questioner :Were you in attendance when the President died?Questioner :Let him tell his story.Dr Perry :I was summoned to the Emergency Room shortly after the President was brought in, on an emergency basis, immediately after the President’s arrival. Upon reaching his side, I noted that he was in critical condition from a wound of the neck and of the head. Immediate resuscitative measures —Questioner :Would you go slower?Dr Perry :I noted he was in a critical condition from the wound in the neck and the head.Questioner :Could that be done by one shot?Dr Perry :I cannot conjecture. I don’t know.Questioner :A wound of the neck and of the —Dr Perry :— of the head. Immediate resuscitative measures were undertaken, and Dr Kemp Clark, Professor of Neurosurgery, was summoned, along with several other members of the surgical and medical staff. They arrived immediately, but at this point the President’s condition did not allow complete resuscitation.Questioner :What do you mean by “complete resuscitation”?Dr Perry :He was critically ill and moribund at the time these measures were begun.Questioner :Completely ill and what?Dr Perry :Moribund.Questioner :What does that mean?Dr Perry :Near death.Questioner :What was the word you used?Dr Perry :Moribund. Dr Clark arrived thereafter, immediately.Questioner :Could you tell us what resuscitative measures were attempted?Dr Perry :Assisted respiration.Questioner :What is that?Questioner :With what?Dr Perry :Assisted respiration with oxygen and an anesthesia machine, passage of an endotracheal tube.Questioner :Does that mean you stick it in?Dr Perry :Yes, place it in his trachea.Questioner :Spell it for us, please.Dr Perry :E–n–d–o–t–r–a–c–h–e–a–l. A tracheostomy.Questioner :They did perform a tracheostomy?Dr Perry :Yes.Questioner :Would you spell it?Dr Perry :T–r–a–c–h–e–o–s–t–o–m–y.Questioner :Was there a priest in the room at this time, Doctor?Mr Hawks :The doctor is just telling you about the operation.Dr Perry :Blood and fluids were also given, and an electrocardiograph monitor was attached to record any heart beat that might be present.
At this point, Dr Clark was also in attendance.Questioner :What is his name?Dr Perry :Dr Kemp Clark. And Dr Charles Baxter.Dr Kemp Clark :I was called by Dr Perry because the President —Questioner :You are Dr Clark?Dr Clark :I am Dr Clark. — because the President had sustained a brain wound. On my arrival, the resuscitative efforts, the tracheostomy, the administration of chest tubes to relieve any possible —Questioner :Could you slow down a little bit, Doctor, please?Dr Clark :— to relieve any possibility of air being in the pleural space, the electrocardiogram had been hooked up, blood and fluids were being administered by Dr Perry and Dr Baxter. It was apparent that the President had sustained a lethal wound. A missile had gone in or out of the back of his head, causing extensive lacerations and loss of brain tissue. Shortly after I arrived, the patient, the President, lost his heart action by the electrocardiogram, his heart then had stopped. We attempted resuscitative measures of his heart, including closed chest cardiac massage, but to no avail.Questioner :That was closed chest?Dr Clark :Yes.Questioner :Does that mean external, Doctor, closed?Dr Clark :Yes, We were able to obtain palpable pulses by this method, but, again, to no avail.Questioner :What is palpable?Mr Hawks :What did you ask?Questioner :Palpable?Dr Clark :Palpable.Questioner :Palpable what?Dr Clark :Pulses.Questioner :Doctor, how many doctors were in attendance at the time of the President’s death?Questioner :Doctor, can you tell us how long after he arrived on the Emergency table before he expired? In other words, how long was he living while in the hospital?Dr Clark :40 minutes, perhaps.Dr Perry :I was far too busy to tell. I didn’t even look at the watch.Dr Clark :I would guess about 40 minutes.Questioner :Doctor, can you describe the course of the wound through the head?Dr Clark :We were too busy to be absolutely sure of the track, but the back of his head.Questioner :And through the neck?Dr Clark :Principally on his right side, towards the right side.Questioner :What was the exact time of death, doctor?Dr Clark :That is very difficult to say. We were very busy, and in answer to someone else’s question, we had a lot of people in attendance. We elected to make this at 1300.Questioner :You elected?Questioner :What, sir?Dr Clark :We pronounced him at 1300 hours.Questioner :Thirteen of?Mr Hawks :1:00 o’clock.Questioner :Can you describe his neck wound?Dr Clark :I was busy with his head wound. I would like to ask the people who took care of that part to describe that to you.Questioner :What was the question?Dr Perry :The neck wound, as visible on the patient, revealed a bullet hole almost in the mid line.Questioner :Would you demonstrate?Dr Perry :In the lower portion of the neck, in front.Questioner :Can you demonstrate, Doctor, on your own neck?Dr Perry :Approximately here (indicating).Questioner :Below the Adam’s apple?Dr Perry :Below the Adam’s apple.Questioner :Doctor, is it the assumption that it went through the head?Dr Perry :That would be on conjecture on my part. There are two wounds, as Dr Clark noted, one of the neck and one of the head. Whether they are directly related or related to two bullets, I cannot say.Questioner :What was the entrance wound?Dr Perry :There was an entrance wound in the neck. As regards the one in the head, I cannot say.Questioner :Which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound? At him?Dr Perry :It appeared to be coming at him.Questioner :And the one behind?Dr Perry :The nature of the wound defies the ability to describe whether it went through it from either side. I cannot tell you that. Can you, Dr Clark?Dr Clark :The head wound could have been either the exit wound from the neck or it could have been a tangential wound, as it was simply a large, gaping loss of tissue.Questioner :That was the immediate cause of death — the head wound?Dr Clark :I assume so; yes.Questioner :There is a rumor that Lyndon Johnson had a heart attack, and I would like to check that out.Dr Clark :I have no information.Mr Hawks :I don’t believe these gentlemen were in attendance with the Vice President.Questioner :Where was he when this was going on?Mr Hawks :That is not the question you should put to this doctor.Questioner :Can you tell us where he is?Mr Hawks :I can’t now, but Mr Kilduff will be available later and we will take those details then.Questioner :We can’t hear you.Mr Hawks :They are asking where the Vice President was, but I don’t know at the moment. That is not the proper question to put to these gentlemen. They were busy with the President at the time.Questioner :Where is Mrs Kennedy?Mr Hawks :I don’t know that detail either. As you might suspect, we were all busy around here.Questioner :Can’t we clear this up just a little more? In your estimation, was there one or two wounds? Just give us something.Dr Perry :I don’t know. From the injury, it is conceivable that it could have been caused by one wound, but there could have been two just as well if the second bullet struck the head in addition to striking the neck, and I cannot tell you that due to the nature of the wound. There is no way for me to tell.Questioner :Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat?Dr Perry :The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don’t know. It could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the head. There was not time to determine this at the particular instant.Questioner :Would the bullet have had to travel up from the neck wound to exit through the back?Dr Perry :Unless it was deviated from its course by striking bone or some other object.Questioner :Doctor, can you give us your ages, please?Dr Perry :I am 34.Questioner :You are Doctor who?Dr Perry :Perry.Mr Hawks :This is Dr Malcolm Perry, attending surgeon, and this is Dr Kemp Clark, chief of neurosurgery at this hospital.Questioner :How old are you, sir?Dr Clark :38.Questioner :Is that C–l–a–r–k?Dr Clark :Yes.Questioner :Can you tell us whether the autopsy will be performed here or elsewhere?Dr Perry :I do not have that information.Mr Hawks :I don’t know either.Questioner :Will there be one?Mr Hawks :I don’t know that.Questioner :Where is the President’s body?Mr Hawks :I couldn’t tell you.Questioner :Was the President ever conscious after the bullet struck him?Dr Perry :No, not while I was in attendance.Questioner :How much blood was used?Dr Perry :I don’t know. There was considerable bleeding.Questioner :How soon did you see him after he got in?Questioner :Did you have to send for blood?Dr Perry :Blood was sent for and obtained; yes.Questioner :Where?Dr Perry :From our Blood Bank.Questioner :Here in the hospital?Dr Perry :Here in the hospital.Questioner :How much was used?Dr Perry :I can’t tell you that.Questioner :How much blood?Dr Perry :I don’t know.Questioner :Doctor, were the last rites performed in the Emergency Room?Dr Perry :Yes.Questioner :Yes, they were?Mr Hawks :Yes, they said they were. Kilduff told you, too.Questioner :Which room was this? What is the room like?Dr Perry :Emergency Operating Room No. 1.Questioner :How far from the door is that, and which way?Dr Clark :Straight in from the Emergency Room entrance, at the back of the hospital, approximately 40 feet.Questioner :Approximately what?Mr Hawks :Forty feet from the emergency entrance.Questioner :The first floor?Dr Clark :The ground floor.Questioner :How many doctors and nurses were in attendance at the time of death?Dr Perry :There were at least eight or ten physicians at that time.Questioner :At least eight or ten physicians?Dr Perry :Yes.Questioner :Did you think him mortally wounded at the time you first examined him, or did you think there was no possibility of saving his life at that point?Dr Perry :No, I did not.Dr Clark :No, sir.Questioner :Did you say there were eight or ten doctors or doctors and nurses?Dr Clark :Eight or ten doctors.Questioner :Can we get that straight, Doctor? Did you say you did not think there was any possibility of saving his life when you first looked at him?Dr Clark :That is what I said; yes.Questioner :How long had he been in before you saw him, sir?Dr Clark :This I don’t know because I was not looking at my watch.Questioner :Who was the first doctor who saw him, and how long before he got there?Dr Clark :Just a matter of a few seconds.Dr Perry :I arrived there shortly after his admission. I can’t tell you the exact time because I went immediately and he had just been admitted and I walked in the room. I don’t know the exact time. I was in quite a hurry.Questioner :Were any members of the family or others in the room besides the doctors, in the Emergency Room?Dr Perry :I am afraid I was not aware of that. I was quite too busy to notice.Mr Hawks :We will have to get those details from Mac.Questioner :Do you have any new details about our plans, what you are going to do?Mr Hawks :I can’t until I get a reading from you fellows. For instance, you have a new President.Questioner :Do we? Was he sworn in?Mr Hawks :Well, he went somewhere to get sworn in. I assume he is sworn in at this time, but I wasn’t in attendance. Obviously, you are going to have a new President. Let’s put it that way.Questioner :Where is he going to be?Mr Hawks :That is what I am trying to find out. Mac is with him, trying to get the details, and he will call me or come in here. We will try to find out.
Dr Perry :Can we go now?The Press :Thank you, Doctors.
There was a route directly to the FWY that was originally going to be the way they got to the Trade-Mart. Earl Cabell mayor of Dallas, changed the route to the turn on Elm Street. Earl Cabell is the brother of General Charles Cabell Deputy Director of CIA. Cabell was forced to resign as deputy director by President Kennedy on January 31, 1962, following the failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
George de Mohrenschildte got Oswald the job at the Texas Book Depository. The friend that introduced her was actually George de Mohrenschildt, a CIA asset.
Her husband, Michael Paine, found employment as a research engineer with the Bell Helicopter Company, whereas Ruth was employed as a part-time teacher of the Russian language at St. Marks School in Dallas.
In 1963 Michael Paine left the family home. According to the author Jim Bishop (The Day Kennedy Was Shot), it was a "friendly estrangement". Ruth continued to live in Irving and at a party in February, 1963 she was introduced to Marina Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald by George De Mohrenschildt. On 24th April, 1963, Marina and her daughter went to live with Ruth Paine. Lee Harvey Oswald rented a room in Dallas but stored some of his possessions in Ruth Paine’s garage. Ruth also helped Oswald to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository.
Buddy Walthers took part in the search of the home of Ruth Paine. Walthers told Eric Tagg that they "found six or seven metal filing cabinets full of letters, maps, records and index cards with names of pro-Castro sympathizers." James DiEugenio has argued that this "cinches the case that the Paines were domestic surveillance agents in the Cold War against communism."
Ruth Paine was a key witnesses for the Warren Commission and provided detailed information on the activities of Marina Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswaldbefore the assassination. Jim Garrison later suggested that Ruth Paine might have been involved in setting Oswald up as the "patsy". Garrison points out that Paine's father " had been employed by the Agency for International Development, regarded by many as a source of cover for the C.I.A. Her brother-in-law was employed by the same agency in the Washington, D.C. area." He also claims that he had tried to "examine the income tax returns of Ruth and Michael Paine, but I was told that they had been classified as secret.... What was so special about this particular family that made the federal government so protective of it?"
Mr. Ted Schurman, advised me that Michael Paine was employed by Bell Helicopter as a research engineer and he held a security clearance. Bell Helicopter had a vested interest in the ongoing war in Vietnam where there Huey Helicopter were in service. It was in Bell's financial interest to have Kennedy eliminated because of Kennedy's plan to withdraw all US personnel by the end of 1965 (See: NSAM 263)
@Kegeshook You say "That's all well and good but not a single one of those doctors actually saw the back of the head." That is utter nonsense. You cherry pick one single doctor. Carrico. an pretend that he can speak for all of the rest. Doctors who are intimately familiar with gunshot wounds do not need to perform a "forensic examination" to see a huge blowout at the right occipital parietal and conclude that it is an exit wound.
In this interview Carrico speaks as though he and two interns and a nurse were the only personnel in trauma room 1. When in fact Dr. Perry was already there dealing with the throat wound, other attending physicians included Dr. Donald Seldin, Dr. Robert McClelland, Dr. Ronald Jones, Dr. Kenneth Salyer, Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich, Dr. Peter Loeb and Dr. Lawrence Klein.
Here is Carrico's testimony to the Warren Commission:
In is first mention of JFK’s skull wound to the Warren Commission on 3/25/64, Carrico said, “There seemed to be a 4 to 5 cm. area of avulsion of the scalp and the skull was fragmented and bleeding cerebral and cerebellar tissue.” (6H3) And… “The (skull) wound that I saw was a large gaping wound, located in the right occipitoparietal area. I would estimate to be about 5 to 7 cm. in size, more or less circular, with avulsions of the calvarium and scalp tissue. As I stated before, I believe there was shredded macerated cerebral and cerebellar tissues both in the wounds and on the fragments of the skull attached to the dura.” (6H6)
On 3/30/64 Carrico appeared again before the Commission. Arlen Specter asked, “Will you describe as specifically as you can the head wound which you have already mentioned briefly?” Dr. Carrico: “Sure. This was a 5 by 71 cm (sic–the author feels certain that Dr. Carrico must have said “5 by 7 cm) defect in the posterior skull, the occipital region. There was an absence of the calvarium or skull in this area, with shredded tissue, brain tissue present…”. Specter: “Was any other wound observed on the head in addition to this large opening where the skull was absent?” Carrico: “No other wound on the head.”(WC–V3:361)
We are being controlled and directed by reptiles. - 1977 INTERVIEWS WITH TWO OF JFK'S AUTOPSY DOCTORS, JAMES HUMES AND J. THORNTON BOSWELL
The National Association of Medical Examiners
Standard F22 Neck
The muscles, soft tissues, airways, and vascular structures of the anterior neck must be examined to identify signs of disease, injury, and therapy. A layer-by-layer dissection is necessary for proper evaluation of trauma to the anterior neck. Removal and ex situ dissection of the upper airway, pharynx, and upper esophagus is a necessary component of this evaluation. A dissection of the posterior neck is necessary when occult neck injury is suspected. The forensic pathologist shall:
F22.1 examine in situ muscles and soft tissues of the anterior neck.
F22.2 ensure proper removal of neck organs and airways.
F22.3 examine neck organs and airways.
F22.4 dissect the posterior neck in cases of suspected occult neck injury.
F22.5 perform anterior neck dissection in neck trauma cases.
Standard F23 Penetrating Injuries, Including Gunshot and Sharp Force Injuries
Documentation of penetrating injuries as listed below should include detail sufficient to provide meaningful information to users of the forensic autopsy report, and to permit another forensic pathologist to draw independent conclusions based on the documentation. The recovery and documentation of foreign bodies is important for evidentiary purposes. Internal wound pathway(s) shall be described according to organs and tissues and size of defects of these organs and tissues. The forensic pathologist shall:
F23.1 correlate internal injury to external injury
F23.2 describe and document the track of wound
F23.3 describe and document the direction of wound
F23.4 recover foreign bodies of evidentiary value
F23.5 describe and document recovered foreign body
'Is Oswald Guilty?
By Mark Lane -- January 16, 1964
Allen Dulles was the head of the CIA before being fired by Kennedy. This firing may have prompted the CIA to assassinate Kennedy.
Helms admitted that Clay Shaw was a CIA asset -- Joan Mellen’s explosive new book, "Our Man in Haiti: George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA in the Nightmare Republic," includes a 1992 document from the CIA’s own History Staff that declares Clay Shaw, to have been a “highly-paid contract source.”
The allegation of Shaw actually being paid by the CIA has been denied for years and was one reason for Shaw’s acquittal on the charges of conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy that were brought against him by New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison in 1967.
In a November 1969, Penthouse interview, Shaw declared, “I have never had any connection with the CIA.” Shaw died in 1974. Former CIA Director Helms, in 1979, stated under oath that Shaw had been simply a part-time contact for Agency and had volunteered his information, but this 1992 document clearly states Shaw was “highly-paid.”
The petition charges that Judge Haggerty has stated in open court that the Warren Report would not be admissible in evidence if and when offered' as such in Shaw's trial. – March 25, 1967 - Judge Edward A. Haggerty Jr. - The Warren Report may not be admitted as evidence.
Judge says Warren Commission is hearsay
Sylvia Meagher : Notes for a New Investigation
(First published in Esquire, December 1966, pp.211ff)
Call the Important Witnesses Not Heard by the Commission
Concerning Oswald’s Activities
Pierce Allman, television newsman: Oswald had said that someone had approached him outside the Depository after the shooting and asked to be directed to the nearest phone. Oswald’s account corresponds with the actual experience of Pierce Allman, and this conflicts with the Commission’s reconstruction of Oswald’s “escape.”
Mary Dowling, waitress at Dobbs House: She told the F.B.I. that Oswald and Tippit were in the restaurant at the same time, two days before the assassination, and that Tippit especially noticed Oswald when he complained about his food. The Warren Report says that the two men were not acquainted and had never even seen each other.
The Transcript
Mr Hawks :Let me have your attention, please. You wanted to talk to some of the attending physicians. I have two of them here, Dr Malcolm Perry, an attending surgeon here at the Parkland Memorial Hospital. He will talk to you first, and then Dr Kemp Clark, the chief neurosurgeon here at the hospital. He will tell you what he knows about it. Dr Perry.Questioner :Were you in attendance when the President died?Questioner :Let him tell his story.Dr Perry :I was summoned to the Emergency Room shortly after the President was brought in, on an emergency basis, immediately after the President’s arrival. Upon reaching his side, I noted that he was in critical condition from a wound of the neck and of the head. Immediate resuscitative measures —Questioner :Would you go slower?Dr Perry :I noted he was in a critical condition from the wound in the neck and the head.Questioner :Could that be done by one shot?Dr Perry :I cannot conjecture. I don’t know.Questioner :A wound of the neck and of the —Dr Perry :— of the head. Immediate resuscitative measures were undertaken, and Dr Kemp Clark, Professor of Neurosurgery, was summoned, along with several other members of the surgical and medical staff. They arrived immediately, but at this point the President’s condition did not allow complete resuscitation.Questioner :What do you mean by “complete resuscitation”?Dr Perry :He was critically ill and moribund at the time these measures were begun.Questioner :Completely ill and what?Dr Perry :Moribund.Questioner :What does that mean?Dr Perry :Near death.Questioner :What was the word you used?Dr Perry :Moribund. Dr Clark arrived thereafter, immediately.Questioner :Could you tell us what resuscitative measures were attempted?Dr Perry :Assisted respiration.Questioner :What is that?Questioner :With what?Dr Perry :Assisted respiration with oxygen and an anesthesia machine, passage of an endotracheal tube.Questioner :Does that mean you stick it in?Dr Perry :Yes, place it in his trachea.Questioner :Spell it for us, please.Dr Perry :E–n–d–o–t–r–a–c–h–e–a–l. A tracheostomy.Questioner :They did perform a tracheostomy?Dr Perry :Yes.Questioner :Would you spell it?Dr Perry :T–r–a–c–h–e–o–s–t–o–m–y.Questioner :Was there a priest in the room at this time, Doctor?Mr Hawks :The doctor is just telling you about the operation.Dr Perry :Blood and fluids were also given, and an electrocardiograph monitor was attached to record any heart beat that might be present.
At this point, Dr Clark was also in attendance.Questioner :What is his name?Dr Perry :Dr Kemp Clark. And Dr Charles Baxter.Dr Kemp Clark :I was called by Dr Perry because the President —Questioner :You are Dr Clark?Dr Clark :I am Dr Clark. — because the President had sustained a brain wound. On my arrival, the resuscitative efforts, the tracheostomy, the administration of chest tubes to relieve any possible —Questioner :Could you slow down a little bit, Doctor, please?Dr Clark :— to relieve any possibility of air being in the pleural space, the electrocardiogram had been hooked up, blood and fluids were being administered by Dr Perry and Dr Baxter. It was apparent that the President had sustained a lethal wound. A missile had gone in or out of the back of his head, causing extensive lacerations and loss of brain tissue. Shortly after I arrived, the patient, the President, lost his heart action by the electrocardiogram, his heart then had stopped. We attempted resuscitative measures of his heart, including closed chest cardiac massage, but to no avail.Questioner :That was closed chest?Dr Clark :Yes.Questioner :Does that mean external, Doctor, closed?Dr Clark :Yes, We were able to obtain palpable pulses by this method, but, again, to no avail.Questioner :What is palpable?Mr Hawks :What did you ask?Questioner :Palpable?Dr Clark :Palpable.Questioner :Palpable what?Dr Clark :Pulses.Questioner :Doctor, how many doctors were in attendance at the time of the President’s death?Questioner :Doctor, can you tell us how long after he arrived on the Emergency table before he expired? In other words, how long was he living while in the hospital?Dr Clark :40 minutes, perhaps.Dr Perry :I was far too busy to tell. I didn’t even look at the watch.Dr Clark :I would guess about 40 minutes.Questioner :Doctor, can you describe the course of the wound through the head?Dr Clark :We were too busy to be absolutely sure of the track, but the back of his head.Questioner :And through the neck?Dr Clark :Principally on his right side, towards the right side.Questioner :What was the exact time of death, doctor?Dr Clark :That is very difficult to say. We were very busy, and in answer to someone else’s question, we had a lot of people in attendance. We elected to make this at 1300.Questioner :You elected?Questioner :What, sir?Dr Clark :We pronounced him at 1300 hours.Questioner :Thirteen of?Mr Hawks :1:00 o’clock.Questioner :Can you describe his neck wound?Dr Clark :I was busy with his head wound. I would like to ask the people who took care of that part to describe that to you.Questioner :What was the question?Dr Perry :The neck wound, as visible on the patient, revealed a bullet hole almost in the mid line.Questioner :Would you demonstrate?Dr Perry :In the lower portion of the neck, in front.Questioner :Can you demonstrate, Doctor, on your own neck?Dr Perry :Approximately here (indicating).Questioner :Below the Adam’s apple?Dr Perry :Below the Adam’s apple.Questioner :Doctor, is it the assumption that it went through the head?Dr Perry :That would be on conjecture on my part. There are two wounds, as Dr Clark noted, one of the neck and one of the head. Whether they are directly related or related to two bullets, I cannot say.Questioner :What was the entrance wound?Dr Perry :There was an entrance wound in the neck. As regards the one in the head, I cannot say.Questioner :Which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound? At him?Dr Perry :It appeared to be coming at him.Questioner :And the one behind?Dr Perry :The nature of the wound defies the ability to describe whether it went through it from either side. I cannot tell you that. Can you, Dr Clark?Dr Clark :The head wound could have been either the exit wound from the neck or it could have been a tangential wound, as it was simply a large, gaping loss of tissue.Questioner :That was the immediate cause of death — the head wound?Dr Clark :I assume so; yes.Questioner :There is a rumor that Lyndon Johnson had a heart attack, and I would like to check that out.Dr Clark :I have no information.Mr Hawks :I don’t believe these gentlemen were in attendance with the Vice President.Questioner :Where was he when this was going on?Mr Hawks :That is not the question you should put to this doctor.Questioner :Can you tell us where he is?Mr Hawks :I can’t now, but Mr Kilduff will be available later and we will take those details then.Questioner :We can’t hear you.Mr Hawks :They are asking where the Vice President was, but I don’t know at the moment. That is not the proper question to put to these gentlemen. They were busy with the President at the time.Questioner :Where is Mrs Kennedy?Mr Hawks :I don’t know that detail either. As you might suspect, we were all busy around here.Questioner :Can’t we clear this up just a little more? In your estimation, was there one or two wounds? Just give us something.Dr Perry :I don’t know. From the injury, it is conceivable that it could have been caused by one wound, but there could have been two just as well if the second bullet struck the head in addition to striking the neck, and I cannot tell you that due to the nature of the wound. There is no way for me to tell.Questioner :Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat?Dr Perry :The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don’t know. It could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the head. There was not time to determine this at the particular instant.Questioner :Would the bullet have had to travel up from the neck wound to exit through the back?Dr Perry :Unless it was deviated from its course by striking bone or some other object.Questioner :Doctor, can you give us your ages, please?Dr Perry :I am 34.Questioner :You are Doctor who?Dr Perry :Perry.Mr Hawks :This is Dr Malcolm Perry, attending surgeon, and this is Dr Kemp Clark, chief of neurosurgery at this hospital.Questioner :How old are you, sir?Dr Clark :38.Questioner :Is that C–l–a–r–k?Dr Clark :Yes.Questioner :Can you tell us whether the autopsy will be performed here or elsewhere?Dr Perry :I do not have that information.Mr Hawks :I don’t know either.Questioner :Will there be one?Mr Hawks :I don’t know that.Questioner :Where is the President’s body?Mr Hawks :I couldn’t tell you.Questioner :Was the President ever conscious after the bullet struck him?Dr Perry :No, not while I was in attendance.Questioner :How much blood was used?Dr Perry :I don’t know. There was considerable bleeding.Questioner :How soon did you see him after he got in?Questioner :Did you have to send for blood?Dr Perry :Blood was sent for and obtained; yes.Questioner :Where?Dr Perry :From our Blood Bank.Questioner :Here in the hospital?Dr Perry :Here in the hospital.Questioner :How much was used?Dr Perry :I can’t tell you that.Questioner :How much blood?Dr Perry :I don’t know.Questioner :Doctor, were the last rites performed in the Emergency Room?Dr Perry :Yes.Questioner :Yes, they were?Mr Hawks :Yes, they said they were. Kilduff told you, too.Questioner :Which room was this? What is the room like?Dr Perry :Emergency Operating Room No. 1.Questioner :How far from the door is that, and which way?Dr Clark :Straight in from the Emergency Room entrance, at the back of the hospital, approximately 40 feet.Questioner :Approximately what?Mr Hawks :Forty feet from the emergency entrance.Questioner :The first floor?Dr Clark :The ground floor.Questioner :How many doctors and nurses were in attendance at the time of death?Dr Perry :There were at least eight or ten physicians at that time.Questioner :At least eight or ten physicians?Dr Perry :Yes.Questioner :Did you think him mortally wounded at the time you first examined him, or did you think there was no possibility of saving his life at that point?Dr Perry :No, I did not.Dr Clark :No, sir.Questioner :Did you say there were eight or ten doctors or doctors and nurses?Dr Clark :Eight or ten doctors.Questioner :Can we get that straight, Doctor? Did you say you did not think there was any possibility of saving his life when you first looked at him?Dr Clark :That is what I said; yes.Questioner :How long had he been in before you saw him, sir?Dr Clark :This I don’t know because I was not looking at my watch.Questioner :Who was the first doctor who saw him, and how long before he got there?Dr Clark :Just a matter of a few seconds.Dr Perry :I arrived there shortly after his admission. I can’t tell you the exact time because I went immediately and he had just been admitted and I walked in the room. I don’t know the exact time. I was in quite a hurry.Questioner :Were any members of the family or others in the room besides the doctors, in the Emergency Room?Dr Perry :I am afraid I was not aware of that. I was quite too busy to notice.Mr Hawks :We will have to get those details from Mac.Questioner :Do you have any new details about our plans, what you are going to do?Mr Hawks :I can’t until I get a reading from you fellows. For instance, you have a new President.Questioner :Do we? Was he sworn in?Mr Hawks :Well, he went somewhere to get sworn in. I assume he is sworn in at this time, but I wasn’t in attendance. Obviously, you are going to have a new President. Let’s put it that way.Questioner :Where is he going to be?Mr Hawks :That is what I am trying to find out. Mac is with him, trying to get the details, and he will call me or come in here. We will try to find out.
Dr Perry :Can we go now?The Press :Thank you, Doctors.
There was a route directly to the FWY that was originally going to be the way they got to the Trade-Mart. Earl Cabell mayor of Dallas, changed the route to the turn on Elm Street. Earl Cabell is the brother of General Charles Cabell Deputy Director of CIA. Cabell was forced to resign as deputy director by President Kennedy on January 31, 1962, following the failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
\\][// -- JFK the Movie and its Depiction of History: Oliver Stone's Controversial Assassination Film (1992)
George de Mohrenschildte got Oswald the job at the Texas Book Depository. The friend that introduced her was actually George de Mohrenschildt, a CIA asset.
Her husband, Michael Paine, found employment as a research engineer with the Bell Helicopter Company, whereas Ruth was employed as a part-time teacher of the Russian language at St. Marks School in Dallas.
In 1963 Michael Paine left the family home. According to the author Jim Bishop (The Day Kennedy Was Shot), it was a "friendly estrangement". Ruth continued to live in Irving and at a party in February, 1963 she was introduced to Marina Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald by George De Mohrenschildt. On 24th April, 1963, Marina and her daughter went to live with Ruth Paine. Lee Harvey Oswald rented a room in Dallas but stored some of his possessions in Ruth Paine’s garage. Ruth also helped Oswald to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository.
Buddy Walthers took part in the search of the home of Ruth Paine. Walthers told Eric Tagg that they "found six or seven metal filing cabinets full of letters, maps, records and index cards with names of pro-Castro sympathizers." James DiEugenio has argued that this "cinches the case that the Paines were domestic surveillance agents in the Cold War against communism."
Ruth Paine was a key witnesses for the Warren Commission and provided detailed information on the activities of Marina Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswaldbefore the assassination. Jim Garrison later suggested that Ruth Paine might have been involved in setting Oswald up as the "patsy". Garrison points out that Paine's father " had been employed by the Agency for International Development, regarded by many as a source of cover for the C.I.A. Her brother-in-law was employed by the same agency in the Washington, D.C. area." He also claims that he had tried to "examine the income tax returns of Ruth and Michael Paine, but I was told that they had been classified as secret.... What was so special about this particular family that made the federal government so protective of it?"
Mr. Ted Schurman, advised me that Michael Paine was employed by Bell Helicopter as a research engineer and he held a security clearance. Bell Helicopter had a vested interest in the ongoing war in Vietnam where there Huey Helicopter were in service. It was in Bell's financial interest to have Kennedy eliminated because of Kennedy's plan to withdraw all US personnel by the end of 1965 (See: NSAM 263)
JFK’s Head Wounds by David Mantik -- April 27, 2021
This talk by Dr. David Mantik is part of the online conference The National-Security State and the Kennedy Administration.
Imagine: The dilemma for the autopsy pathologists on 11-22-63
Their Solution:
“Improving” the autopsy photographs and X-rays
Writing a misleading autopsy report (multiple times)
Elusive consistency on the posterior skull entry site
Pretending not to know about the throat wound
Including “eyewitness” statements in the autopsy report
Also: They did not see the Harper Fragment
The Autopsy Radiologist: John Ebersole—my recorded interview (now at NARA)
The Radiology Technologist: Jerrol Custer
Subsequent Government Radiologists:
How they misled us
What they missed
The Harper Fragment: 15 Clues for its Occipital Origin
These are all consistent with a frontal shot.
@Kegeshook You say "That's all well and good but not a single one of those doctors actually saw the back of the head." That is utter nonsense. You cherry pick one single doctor. Carrico. an pretend that he can speak for all of the rest. Doctors who are intimately familiar with gunshot wounds do not need to perform a "forensic examination" to see a huge blowout at the right occipital parietal and conclude that it is an exit wound.
In this interview Carrico speaks as though he and two interns and a nurse were the only personnel in trauma room 1. When in fact Dr. Perry was already there dealing with the throat wound, other attending physicians included Dr. Donald Seldin, Dr. Robert McClelland, Dr. Ronald Jones, Dr. Kenneth Salyer, Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich, Dr. Peter Loeb and Dr. Lawrence Klein.
Here is Carrico's testimony to the Warren Commission:
In is first mention of JFK’s skull wound to the Warren Commission on 3/25/64, Carrico said, “There seemed to be a 4 to 5 cm. area of avulsion of the scalp and the skull was fragmented and bleeding cerebral and cerebellar tissue.” (6H3) And… “The (skull) wound that I saw was a large gaping wound, located in the right occipitoparietal area. I would estimate to be about 5 to 7 cm. in size, more or less circular, with avulsions of the calvarium and scalp tissue. As I stated before, I believe there was shredded macerated cerebral and cerebellar tissues both in the wounds and on the fragments of the skull attached to the dura.” (6H6)
On 3/30/64 Carrico appeared again before the Commission. Arlen Specter asked, “Will you describe as specifically as you can the head wound which you have already mentioned briefly?” Dr. Carrico: “Sure. This was a 5 by 71 cm (sic–the author feels certain that Dr. Carrico must have said “5 by 7 cm) defect in the posterior skull, the occipital region. There was an absence of the calvarium or skull in this area, with shredded tissue, brain tissue present…”. Specter: “Was any other wound observed on the head in addition to this large opening where the skull was absent?” Carrico: “No other wound on the head.”(WC–V3:361)
JFK Unsolved: The Real Conspiracies | Full Documentary