It is likely that "Cathy" became schizophrenic as a result of the sexual abuse and incest forced upon her at an early age. Fantasies become reality and reality becomes fantasy when insane people attempt to sort out their experiences and protect their feelings of self-worth with lies to themselves. While it is no longer taught in psychology classes, 50 years ago it was believed (and some still believe) that most homosexuals and pedophiles adopt their chosen lifestyles because of these ego-protecting lies.

Reputed "holy man" Baba Ram Dass was part of a group of LSD experimenters in the notorious Millbrook Community who chose to remain tripping for weeks on end. Some weak and already mentally sick individuals like Syd Barrett lost their minds after taking LSD. A better and more honest report on the use and effects of psychedelic drugs can be found in a book entitled BIRTH OF A PSYCHEDELIC CULTURE (written by Ram Dass and Ralph Metzner).

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Hi Chuck, Did you watch the video of Cathy's testimony?

Your theory that Cathy became schizophrenic and remains so, and at the time of her video testimony seems unlikely to me. But it will certainly be a matter of opinion either way.


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There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

Tulsi Gabbard Published March 13, 2022



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Church Committee: Chemical & Biological Agents, LSD, MKULTRA (B1.17)


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Richard Helms

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor Helms joined the United States Navy. In August, 1943, he was transferred to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) that had made established by William Donovan. The OSS had responsibility for collecting and analyzing information about countries at war with the United States. It also helped to organize guerrilla fighting, sabotage and espionage.

After the surrender of Germany in 1945, Helms helped interview suspected Nazi war criminals. Helms remained in the OSS and in 1946 was put in charge of intelligence and counter-intelligence activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The following year Helms joined the recently formed Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). His first task was to mount a massive convert campaign against the Communist Party during the Italian General Election. This was highly successful and this encouraged President Harry S. Truman to establish the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), an organization instructed to conduct covert anti-Communist operations around the world. In August, 1952, OPC and the Office of Special Operations (the espionage division) were merged to form the Directorate of Plans (DPP).

Frank Wisner was appointed head of the DPP and he appointed Helms as his chief of operations. In December, 1956, Wisner suffered a mental breakdown and was diagnosed as suffering from manic depression. During his absence Wisner's job was covered by Helms.



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The Church Committee Final Reports - Audio Books

28 videos2,993 viewsLast updated on Apr 23, 2017

The Church Committee Final Reports as audio books. The Church Committee was a US Senate body that investigated the activities and abuses of the CIA, FBI, NSA and other government intelligence agencies.

The committee investigated a variety of topics - COINTELPRO, the CIA manipulation of the media, the 1973 coup in Chile, assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, Patrice Lumumba, and other leaders, CIA mind-control projects like MKULTRA, the FBI's war against Martin Luther King, Jr, the New Left, and the Black Panther Party and free speech and dissent in general.

The Church Committee released five books of final reports, which we are recreating (in sections over time) as audio books. These five books are:

(B1) Foreign and Military Intelligence

(B2) Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans

(B3) Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans Staff Reports

(B4) Supplementary Reports

(B5) The Intelligence Agencies and the Investigation of the JFK Assassination

The books can be found as PDFs here: http://www.intelligence.senate.gov/re...

under the heading 'Final Report, S. Rep. No. 94-755 (1976)'

The Committee also released seven volumes of testimony on a variety of intelligence issues.



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William Whitten -- Autodidact,Writes William’s Newsletter ·49 min ago·edited 47 min ago

Methods and Automatic System to Identify Who is Victims of Abuse Voice to Skull & Remote Neural Monitoring Technology and Identify Who is Remote Attacker or Operator Using Device of Voice to Skull & Remote Neural Monitoring

Aug 31, 2019

A method to identify victim of abuse and remote operator using voice to skull and remote neural monitoring, comprising the steps of: using a database in a computer consisting of one or more of disgusting items, funny items, anti-political trend and anti-religious belief items, countries and races items, foreign clubs or organizations items, languages and dialects items, and scientific knowledge items, tested person selecting one item which only causes the remote operator to have psychological response and does not cause the tested person to have psychological response, instructing the tested person to launch imaginary psychological attack, assigning test questions based on the imaginary psychological attack and obtaining answers from the tested person in response to the test questions, then using polygraph meter to analysis the answers and assigning true or false status to the answers.




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