https://youtu.be/-pHNCkERZuY?t=4 - Former CIA Agent Gives Background Info on MK Ultra, Midnight Climax, and Charles Manson


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https://youtu.be/uiYBOboAcAo?t=2 – Jack Ruby’s Court Assigned Shrink Was an MKUltra Doc

https://youtu.be/MKmrDN4gdDY?t=2 - Did a CIA Agent Infiltrate the Manson Family's Inner Circle?

https://youtu.be/2wPIng0hGxQ?t=1 - Tom O’Neill: Manson Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi Was Compromised

https://youtu.be/r1hv5P4SwbU?t=4 - Was Charles Manson a CIA Asset? w/Tom O'Neill | Joe Rogan

https://youtu.be/kA6eBKvph_Y?t=2 - The Secret History of MK Ultra w/Tom O'Neill | Joe Rogan

Rule 406. Habit; Routine Practice

Evidence of a person’s habit or an organization’s routine practice may be admitted to prove that on a particular occasion the person or organization acted in accordance with the habit or routine practice. The court may admit this evidence regardless of whether it is corroborated or whether there was an eyewitness.

This is applicable to the case that O'Neill is making against various individuala and the CIA as an organization.


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https://theintercept.com/2019/11/24/cia-mkultra-louis-jolyon-west/ was an American psychiatrist involved in the public sphere. In 1954, at the age of 29 and with no previous tenure-track appointment, he became a full professor and chair of psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Wikipedia


Louis Jolyon West seems to have used chemicals and hypnosis liberally in his medical practice, possibly leading to the death of a child and the execution of an innocent man.

At the trial, West made only a minimal effort to exonerate Shaver. The airman was found guilty. Though an appeals court later ruled that he’d had an unfair trial, he was convicted again in the retrial. In 1958, on his 33rd birthday, he was executed by the electric chair. He maintained his innocence the whole time.

The trial, which hinged on Shaver’s testimony, might have ended differently had the jury known about West’s past. According to newly surfaced papers from West’s archives, the psychiatrist had some of the clearest, most nefarious ties of any scientist to the CIA’s Project MKUltra. West’s files — especially his correspondence with the CIA’s longtime poisons expert, Sidney Gottlieb — shed new light on one of the most infamous projects in the agency’s history. Likely comprising more than 149 subprojects and at least 185 researchers working at institutions across America and Canada, MKUltra was, as the New York Times put it, “a secret twenty-five year, twenty-five million dollar effort by the CIA to learn how to control the human mind.” Its experiments violated international laws, not to mention the agency’s charter, which forbids domestic activity.

Louis Jolyon West was an American psychiatrist involved in the public sphere. In 1954, at the age of 29 and with no previous tenure-track appointment, he became a full professor and chair of psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Wikipedia


Louis Jolyon West seems to have used chemicals and hypnosis liberally in his medical practice, possibly leading to the death of a child and the execution of an innocent man.

At the trial, West made only a minimal effort to exonerate Shaver. The airman was found guilty. Though an appeals court later ruled that he’d had an unfair trial, he was convicted again in the retrial. In 1958, on his 33rd birthday, he was executed by the electric chair. He maintained his innocence the whole time.

The trial, which hinged on Shaver’s testimony, might have ended differently had the jury known about West’s past. According to newly surfaced papers from West’s archives, the psychiatrist had some of the clearest, most nefarious ties of any scientist to the CIA’s Project MKUltra. West’s files — especially his correspondence with the CIA’s longtime poisons expert, Sidney Gottlieb — shed new light on one of the most infamous projects in the agency’s history. Likely comprising more than 149 subprojects and at least 185 researchers working at institutions across America and Canada, MKUltra was, as the New York Times put it, “a secret twenty-five year, twenty-five million dollar effort by the CIA to learn how to control the human mind.” Its experiments violated international laws, not to mention the agency’s charter, which forbids domestic activity.


Cornell University, where West completed his residency in psychiatry, was an MKUltra institution and the site of the Human Ecology Fund. He later became a subcontractor for MKUltra subproject 43, a $20,800 grant by the CIA while he was chairman of the department of Psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma. The proposal submitted by West was titled "Psychophysiological Studies of Hypnosis and Suggestibility" with an accompanying document titled "Studies of Dissociative States".[

Steven Hassan cites Louis Jolyon West in the following article:



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Beyond Propaganda and Brainwash: The True Causes of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict

Vasko Kohlmayer--Mar 14

Professor John J. Mearsheimer explains the roots of the conflict

The brutal and escalating war in Ukraine undoubtedly represents the most dangerous security situation for the world since the end of WWII.

The narrative that is being relentlessly pounded into our minds by the Western globalist establishment goes like this:

The mad Russian leader Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine to realize his dream of reinstating the Soviet era power to Russia.

This narrative is completely wrong as is virtually everything that is said about the cause of this conflict in the mainstream media by their assorted analysts and “experts.”

We should not be surprised by this, since this is the same media that has been feeding us with one false narrative after another. Here are just some recent examples:

Trump conspired with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton

Covid-19 would wipe out a large chunk of the world’s population

BLM as a peaceful movement concerned with racial justice

Hunter Biden’s computer drive is part of the Russian misinformation campaign

The Covid vaccines are completely safe and highly effective

Biological men can become women and vice versa

Covid vaccines will keep you free from the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Anthony Fauci is an objective scientist whose only professional goal is the advancement of public health

The FDA is an agency that makes its decisions based on science

The Canadian truckers are racists, fascist, misogynists, insurrections, terrorists

Joe Biden is a wise experienced politician who will steady and unify our country and restore our standing in the world

The question is: Why would anyone in their right mind believe anything they say, and especially when they all say it in unison?

Based on their record, we can be almost certain that the truth is the exact opposite of whatever the mainstream media claims to be true. This is most certainly the case with their current “Putin is a power-hungry madman” tale.

It is rather disturbing, however, that the media that are incapable of telling the truth about anything have once again managed to brainwash a large portion of the population into swallowing its latest false narrative.

To counter the gross propaganda and misinformation campaign to which we have been subjected since the start of the Ukrainian war, we present analysis by two serious, clear-headed, fair, and highly knowledgeable experts on geopolitics who know a great deal about the situation in Eastern Europe. We offer this quick course on the causes and roots of the Ukrainian conflict in the form of four video presentations.



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What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda

According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine

Humans are now “hackable,” in that technology now exists by which a company or government can know you better than you know yourself, and that can be very dangerous if misused

Professor Yuval Noah Harari predicts that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that have historically been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry

Harari warns that if we allow the establishment of a digital dictatorship, where the system, be it a corporation or a government, knows the most intimate details about each and every person, it will be impossible to dismantle it. Its control will be total and irreversible

If you believe that your thoughts and behavior are and always will remain under your own control, think again. We already have the technology to directly alter thoughts, emotions and behavior

According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution1 is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine. In short, while the term “transhumanism” is not being used, that’s exactly where the global cabal intends to take us, willing or not.

In a November 2019 interview with CNN,2 history professor and bestselling author Yuval Noah Harari, a Klaus Schwab disciple, warned that “humans are now hackable animals,” meaning, the technology now exists by which a company or government can know you better than you know yourself, and that can be very dangerous if misused.

He predicted that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that historically have been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry.

Profound Dangers Ahead

There’s also an ever-increasing risk of being manipulated by these outside forces that you’re not even fully aware of. Looking back over the last two years, it’s rather easy to confirm that mass manipulation is taking place at a staggering scale, and that it’s phenomenally effective.

As noted by Harari in 2019,3 the available capabilities already go far beyond Orwell’s “1984” authoritarian vision, and it’s only going to become more powerful from here. He’s certain that in short order, there will be the ability to monitor your emotional state through something as simple as a wearable wristband.

You may dutifully smile and clap when listening to a speech by a government official, but they’ll know you’re angry or don’t agree with what’s being said, and could therefore take action against you based on your most personal, internal emotions rather than what you outwardly express.

Importantly, Harari warned that if we allow the establishment of this kind of digital dictatorship, where the system, be it a corporation or a government, knows the most intimate details about each and every person, it will be impossible to dismantle it. Its control will be total and irreversible. And, Harari believes we may have only a decade, at most two, to prevent this digital dictatorship from taking over.



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Donald Ewen Cameron -- Madman

Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Scotland in 1901. He graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1924. He began his career as resident surgeon at Glasgow Infirmary, but in 1929 moved to Canada to work in the Brandon Mental Hospital.

In 1936, Cameron became Director of Research at Worcester State Hospital in Massachusetts, and in 1938 was appointed Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at Albany State Medical School. It was at Albany that Cameron conducted research into sensory deprivation and memory.

During the Second World War Cameron began working for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). However, in 1943 he went to Canada and established the psychiatry department at Montreal's McGill University and director of the newly-created Allan Memorial Institute.

Cameron continued to work for the OSS and in November 1945, Allen Dulles sent him to Germany to examine Rudolf Hess in order to assess if he was fit to stand trial at Nuremberg. According to one source, Dulles had told Cameron, that he believed the Hess he was about to examine was not the real Hess and that he had already been executed on the orders of Winston Churchill. (Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness, 1993, pages 167-68).

It has been argued by John Simkin that Cameron might have been sent to Nuremberg to help the British intelligence services with a problem concerning the real reasons why Rudolf Hess arrived in Scotland in May 1941. Cameron’s task was to remove Hess’s memory of past events. This is why in 1946 Hess was unable to recognize his former friends and colleagues such as Hermann Goering, Julius Streicher and Joachim von Ribbentrop. Cameron next job was to provide Hess with a new memory about events dating back to May 1941. That is why Hess was able to provide Major Douglas M. Kelley with a comprehensive account of his trip to Scotland.

After the war Cameron worked at the Albany State Medical School. Cameron developed the theory that mental patients could be cured by treatment that erased existing memories and by rebuilding the psyche completely. According to his research assistant, Dr. Peter Roper, "He (Cameron) had a technician called Leonard Rubenstein who modified cassettes so there was an endless tape, it could keep repeating itself for hours at a time. If Cameron could give a positive message, eventually a patient would respond to it." Cameron would play the tapes to his patients for up to 86 days, as they slipped in and out of insulin-induced comas.

In the late 1940s Cameron developed a new treatment for mental illness. The authors of Double Standards argue that his "major inspiration was the British psychiatrist William Sargent, whom Cameron considered to be the leading expert on Soviet brainwashing techniques. Cameron took this work and used it for what he called 'depatterning'. He believed that after inducing complete amnesia in a patient, he could then selectively recover their memory in such a way as to change their behaviour unrecognisably."

In 1953 Cameron developed what he called "psychic driving". Cameron developed the theory that mental patients could be cured by treatment that erased existing memories and by rebuilding the psyche completely. According to his research assistant, Dr. Peter Roper, "He (Cameron) had a technician called Leonard Rubenstein who modified cassettes so there was an endless tape, it could keep repeating itself for hours at a time. If Cameron could give a positive message, eventually a patient would respond to it." Cameron would play the tapes to his patients for up to 86 days, as they slipped in and out of insulin-induced comas.

Cameron discovered that "once a subject entered an amnesiac, somnambulistic state, they would become hypersensitive to suggestion". In other words they could be brainwashed. The CIA became aware of Cameron's research and in 1957 Cameron was recruited by Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA, to run Project MKULTRA. Documents released in 1977 show that MKULTRA was a "mind control" program. As it was illegal for the CIA to conduct operations on American soil, Cameron was forced to carry out his experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute in Canada. The CIA arranged funding via Cornell University in New York.

Cameron had to commute to Montreal every week to carry out his work. According to official documents, Cameron was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments at the Allan Memorial Institute. Documents released in 1977 revealed that thousands of unwitting subjects were tested on as part of the MKULTRA program.

Dr. Peter Roper later claimed that Cameron and his team had visits from senior military officers "who briefed us on brainwashing techniques". One newspaper journalist later claimed in The Sunday Times that "using techniques similar to those portrayed in the celebrated novel the Manchurian Candidate, it was believed that people could be brainwashed and reprogrammed to carry out specific acts."



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The research and development program and particularly the co vert testing programs resulted in massive abridgments of the rights of American citizens sometimes with tragic consequences The deaths of two Americans can be attributed to these programs other participants in the testing programs may still suffer from the residual effects While some controlled testing of these substances might be de fended the nature of the tests their scale and the fact that they were continued for years after the danger of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting individuals was known demonstrate a funda mental disregard for the value of human life The Select Committee's investigation of the testing and use of chemical and biological agents also raise serious questions about the adequacy of command and control procedures within the Central Intelligence Agency and military intelligence and about the relationships among the intelligence agencies other governmental agencies and private institutions and individuals The CIA's normal administrative controls were waived for programs involving chemical and biological agents to protect their security According to the head of the Audit Branch of the CIA these waivers produced "gross administrative failures. They prevented the CIA's internal review mechanisms (the Office of General Counsel the Inspector General and the Audit Staff) from adequately supervising the programs In general the waivers had the paradoxical effect of providing less restrictive administrative controls and less effective internal review for controversial and highly sensitive projects than those governing normal Agency activities The security of the programs was protected not only by waivers of normal administrative controls but also by a high degree of compartmentation within the CIA This compartmentation excluded the CIA's Medical Staff from the principal research and testing program employing chemical and biological agents It also may have led to agency policymakers receiving differing and inconsistent responses when they posed questions to the CIA component involved MKULTRA was the principal CIA program involving the research and development of chemical and biological agents It was "concerned with the research and development of chemical biological and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior. 11 Research and development programs to find materials which could be used to alter human behavior were initiated in the late 1940s and early 1950s These experimental programs originally included testing of drugs involving witting human subjects and culminated in tests using unwitting nonvolunteer human subjects These tests were de signed to determine the potential effects of chemical or biological agents when used operationally against individuals unaware that they had received a drug The testing programs were considered highly sensitive by the in telligence agencies administering them In January 1973 MKULTRA records were destroyed by Technical Services Division personnel acting on the verbal orders of Dr Sidney Gottlieb Chief of TSD Dr Gottlieb



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Mind Control Information and Facts Summaries

For the best, most concise introduction to the mind control information, we highly recommend our mind control summaries. These fact-filled summaries provide revealing mind control information from both landmark books and declassified government mind control documents. An abundance of footnotes back up the information presented and provide links direct to government documents and other reliable sources for verification of information presented. The first three listed are general summaries. The following three are 10-page summaries of excellent, well researched books on mind control.

Two-page mind control information summary: https://www.WantToKnow.info/mindcontrol

Ten-page mind control information summary: https://www.WantToKnow.info/mindcontrol10pg

Three-page summary on ritual abuse, cult involvement: https://www.WantToKnow.info/mind_...

Ten-page summary of Mind Controllers by Armen Victorian; various aspects of mind control:


Ten-page summary of A Nation Betrayed by mind control survivor Carol Rutz (excellent footnotes):


Ten-page summary of Bluebird by Dr. Colin A. Ross dealing with involvement of medical profession:



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Coronavirus Vaccine Problems News Articles – Excerpts of key news articles on coronavirus vaccine problems – https://www.wanttoknow.info/coronavirus-vaccine-problemsnewsarticles


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