
"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences." -- Carroll Quigley

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The term “insurrection” to describe the riot on January 6 is hyperbolic spin and disinformation. It is like saying being shot with a water pistol is being shot with a gun.

“In insurrection there is an organized and armed uprising against authority or operations of government whereas riots and offenses connected with mob violence are simply unlawful acts in disturbance of the peace which do not threaten the stability of the government or the existence of political society.”

Insurrection Law and Legal Definition

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“Donald Trump was exonerated on the charges that this committee is pursuing.” (I fixed your typos.) Ridiculous nonsense. Trump hasn’t been charged with anything yet.

Are you referring to the 2nd impeachment when Senate Republicans let him off the hook with no testimony or evidence because his term was over? That’s NOT exoneration. They simply declined to convict for political reasons and the fact his term was already over.

Finally, trump is a sociopath. There can be no doubt of that, and there are hundreds of psychiatrists to back that up. However if you can name a previous president who meets the criteria equally well, I’d be happy to change his title to The Second Sociopath.

P.S. Bad use of “jejune.” I know you’re trying to look smart, but it’s not working.”—David W. Rudlin



Mr. Rudlin sent this message to me this morning, He has blocked me from answering on his QAnswer, so I am replying here. He claims that “Trump hasn’t been charged with anything yet.” Obviously I made no mention that Trump has been charged for anything in the burlesque show trials. The question is if Trump is the target of these hearings. The answer to that is an obvious yes.

Further Rudlin goes on the present his subjective opinions as if they were objective facts conserning the 2nd impeachment of Donald Trump while disputing the fact that Trump was in fact exonerated, found not guilty aquitted, whatever term you wish to use.

Democrats tend to either hyperbole, or reverse exaggeration in their commentary. Rudlin then claims that Trump is a sociopath, and that there are “hundreds of psychiatrists to back that up.” — of course he doesn’t back up this claim with a single example.

This message from Mr. Rudlin is another of indications that many Democrats suffer from collective dementia brought on by TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) caused by irrational hatred of Donald Trump creating a unique form of psychosis.


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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

William. I do not care for Donald Trump, the man or the president. I couldn't care less about his other jobs, most of his business was none of mine. MAGA is deluded, lost. Their movement, powerful and looking for all the right answers to the biggest questions all of us that think have about our government can just please open your eyes ands look at the real differences in honest vs, dishonest leaders and get their shit back together. Most of those guys are true patriotic Americans that have been screwed by Clinton's policies, NAFTA killed the Midwest, 2008 has never been answered for, half the homeless are from there, and they won't let the petroleum industry gear back up because of climate change, which we need to handle, but we will all croak together if we don't learn to get along. Let it die off, let them rest up and figure it out. I am really pissed off they ransacked the capital and he did shit. He did shit. He hustled and hustled us, unforgivable, just that is. I missed the great new policies coming out to save us, what were they? Biden is Biden, same guy as ever, Trump is like a clown now, running from the law, lying and swiping money from anywhere he still can. Let him die. Put a man in there, or a woman, that ain't crooked as hell and cares about people. I like your blog, you write well and I can follow all of it, I disagree about Trump, probably agree on other stuff, I look at everything I have time for. It is obvious you take the time to write well and clearly and I appreciate that as well as your views...hopefully Joe isn't going to run again, we may have a real race coming up, with good people on both sides going after it. Man I hope so, we need some good people from either side, none of the treasonous liars though, we cannot trust them. None of them. In my book ,any one involved in swindling Americans from the perch of elected office is "them". Then, the other classification of "henchmen".

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Many have forgotten about the Durham CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of many Democrat politicians, lawyers, and FBI agents. While Republicans grouse about how the Show Trial is designed to impact the November election, behind the scenes, some Dems must be worried about the inevitable indictments that will come out after next year's congress begins its first session.

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While President Trump has not been charged with any crime (and will not be charged for his delayed response to the FBI-instigated attack on the capital), the slick television mini-series has successfully sewn doubt in the minds of many regarding his leadership.

There will be no trial (following the Show Trial) because in a REAL trial, defense witnesses are allowed and defense evidence is produced. We might even be given a chance to see the 14,000 hours of videos hidden by the Cheney Commission and their might be questions about the alleged pipe bombs placed placed in DC prior to January 6. Miraculously, we might even learn more about Michael Byrd's motivation for murdering Ashley Babbitt.

This exhibition, while exciting to Democrats, Putin, and Jinping, will largely be forgotten by election day. The war between NATO and the BRICS will likely be filling the headlines and Americans will be walking to breadlines by November.

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