Excellent, thank you.

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Thank you Moonshine,

I get no notification of these answers. I just now saw yours by happenstance.


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No problem, i really appreciate you sharing knowledge & truth, in these times its rare. Never change brother.

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And, on top of that, what happened throughout our cold war was too bad, if we had done the "right thing" like maybe you or I would think of as right, but what do we know???after we caught the Nazi's running and hiding, after they surrendered, Gehlen was one of them, or if you were a rocket man, it did not matter how many nazi slaves died manufacturing your blueprints, they need you now for the nicer white people in charge of the west. All was 'forgiven'. The Dulles Brothers were with the Bush brothers, Vandevar at MIT and Allen, busily building the massive security systems skeletons for their meat muscles of today to hang from. The image of white middle class America was manufactured out of Formica and the new wonder shit plastics and asbestos and lead and advertising. Now, next, we are voting for the Camelotters of Joe Kennedy's house of nazi good ideas, Jack comes up un-co-operative from PT109 and he fires, he fires Allen Dulles, Eisenhower couldn't fire Allen but Jack gives it a shot, then there's more shots and here comes Lyndon, start the factories we are going to Viet Nam. Right?

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Thank you for your comments uniplmr1,

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Yeah, right. I'm a soviet forgery too. I lived on base in Germany for two years. Kaiserslautern. I ran the woods around the Vogelweigh Housing Area for dependents for two years as a lost lonely kid that liked it in the woods and around Hohnecken lake, the castle, anyway, there were com shacks all over the place. I used to go write out there, sneak around with my girlfriends, and convoys of army trucks,5 at a time, would go by on the "old dirt roads" that they kept up quietly, everything was quiet...1965...thanks William

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Substack.com should have an option for readers to express shock and dismay instead of simply "hearting" an article.

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