If the DOD ran the program does Big Pharma have immunity?

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A wild branch of science says that the world ends every 12,000 years due to forces of the Sun and Earth's loss of geomagnetic force which renders the Earth unable to survive the micro Nova our sun apparently produces every 12,000 years or so. Will know within the next 20 or 30 years if this is true or false if it turns out to be true might be a good thing because I think ending the world is the only way to end corruption of course humans survive and after a few thousand years corruption will have returned but it'll be limited to small tribes of humans who have been thrown back to either the Stone age or the bronze age where corruption like technology will begin to become more sophisticated with time until it once again reaches disastrous proportions that we have now and the world will end again. Imagine my consternation when I heard about this branch of science called catastrophism and I realized that the Bible is kind of right after all even though they have the story kind of wrong and twisted. Here we are at the end of things evil is running the show the Antichrist is circling the White House and Dr fauci is the Angel of death. Yes this probably all sounds crazy but when I look at the world we currently inhabit what could be more crazy than that?

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Excellent article. Hopefully the white hats will prevail in this crime spree and serve up some much needed justice.

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