
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”~Edward Bernays

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Venezuelan election turnout figures manipulated by one million votes: election company

By Reuters Staff

LONDON (Reuters) - Turnout figures in Venezuela’s Constitutional Assembly election were manipulated up by least 1 million votes, Smartmatic, a company which has worked with Venezuela since 2004 on its voting system, said on Wednesday.

“We know, without any doubt, that the turnout of the recent election for a National Constituent Assembly was manipulated,” Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica said at a news briefing in London.

Mugica said Smartmatic, which has provided electronic voting technology for elections around the world, was able to detect the overstated officially announced turnout because of Venezuela’s automated election system.

“We estimate the difference between the actual participation and the one announced by authorities is at least 1 million votes,” he said.


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In 1987, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that the President doesn't have to get permission from Congress or bureaucrats to declassify. The Office of the Former President is very secure. Hillary Clinton-never a President-may have been foreign hacked. Garland is a political hack

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