
Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Rifle from Kleins

by John Armstrong


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Allen Dulles was the liaison to the elite US power structure centered in Wall Street in 1963. He advised them and conveyed their desires and demands to the Military Industrial Complex. It was his advice that prompted their demand for the removal of President Kennedy by a coup d'état. The killing of President Kennedy was carried out as official policy of the United States as dictated by the elite US power structure at that time.

In 1945, The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Station Chief Allen Dulles in Switzerland negotiated the early surrender of German forces in Italy and Austria days before the final surrender of Germany. General Reinhard Gehlen was the party that surrendered to Dulles at this time. Theodor Shackley was Gehlen’s attaché and translator for these negotiations. Part of the deal was the inpatriation of certain Nazi officers and administrators. This group was moved to the United States through Operation Paperclip.

Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 Nazi German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.



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Secret Service Agents that are suspect in the JFK assassination:

*Emory Roberts calls off Don Lawton off of the right bumper of the limo. When the shots ordered the agents in the follow up car to remain still.

*Floyd Boring rearranged motorcade putting press bus in the rear. cut back the motorcycle escort from 16 to four.

*Winston Lawson was Boring's assistant.

*Roger Warren is suspect for inaction.

*Agent Bill Greer, the limo driver paused looking back at Kennedy before speeding off.

*Roy Kellerman also just look back at Kennedy until the head shot too.

6 agents obviously involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

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The PDF above is Warren Commission testimonies of medical personnel involved in the JFK assassination. Parkland and Bethesda.

The testimony of the following witnesses is contained in volume VI : Drs. Charles

J. Carrico, Malcolm Oliver Perry, William Kemp Clark, Robert Nelson

McClelland, Charles Rufns Baxter, Marion Thomas Jenkins, Ronald Coy Jones,

Don Teel Curtis, Fouad A. Bashour, Gene Coleman Akin, Paul Conrad Peters, Adolph Hartung Giesecke, Jr.. Jackie Hansen Hunt, Kenneth Everett Salyer,

and Martin G. White, who attended President Kennedy at Parkland Hospital;

Drs. Robert Roeder Shaw, Charles Francis Gregory, George T. Shires, and

Richard Brooks Dulany, who attended Governor Connally at Parkland Hospital

Ruth Jeanette Standridge, Jane Carolyn Wester, Henrietta M. Ross, R. J. Jimison,

and Darrell C. Tomlinson, who testified concerning Governor Connally's

stretcher; Diana Hamilton Bowron, Margaret M. Henchliffe, and Doris Mae

Nelson, who testified concerning President Kennedy's stretcher ; Charles Jack

Price, the Administrator of Parkland Hospital ; Malcolm O. Couch, Tom C. Dillard, James Robert Underwood, James N. Crawford, Mary Ann Mitchell, Barbara

Rowland, Ronald B. Fischer, Robert Edwin Edwards, Jean Lollis Hill, Austin

L. Miller, Frank E. Reilly, Earle V. Brown, Royce G. Skelton, S. M. Holland,

J. W. Foster, J. C. White, Joe E. Murphy, Roger D. Craig, George W. Rackley, Sr., James Elbert Romack, Lee E. Bowers, Jr., B. J. Martin, Bobby W. Hargis, Clyde

A. Haygood, E. D. Brewer, D. V. Harkness, J. Herbert Sawyer, and Gerald Dalton Henslee, who were present at the assassination scene ; William H. Shelley,

Nat A. Pinkston, Billy Nolan Lovelady, Frankie Kaiser, Charles Douglas Givens,

Troy Eugene West, Danny G. Arce, Joe R. Molina, Jack Edwin Dougherty, Eddie

Piper, Victoria Elizabeth Adams, Geneva L. Hine, and Doris Burns, employees

of the Texas School Book Depositoi*y ; Mary E. Bledsoe, William W. Whaley, and

Mrs. Earlene Roberts, who gave testimony concerning Oswald's movements fol- lowing the assassination ; and Domingo Benavides, and Mrs. Charles Davis, who

were present in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene.


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According to Warren H. “Butch” Burroughs, the concession stand operator at the Texas Theater, Lee Harvey Oswald entered the theater sometime between 1:00 and 1:07 P.M., several minutes before Officer Tippit was slain seven blocks away.[428] If true, Butch Burroughs’s observation would eliminate Oswald as a candidate for Tippet’s murder. Perhaps for that reason, Burroughs was asked by a Warren Commission attorney the apparently straightforward question, “Did you see [Oswald] come in the theater?” and answered honestly, “No, sir; I didn’t.”[429] What someone reading this testimony would not know is that Butch Burroughs was unable to see anyone enter the theater from where he was standing at his concession stand, unless that person came into the area where he was working. As he explained to me in an interview, there was a partition between his concession stand and the front door. Someone could enter the theater, go directly up a flight of stairs to the balcony, and not be seen from the concession stand.[430] That, Burroughs said, is what Oswald apparently did. However, Burroughs still knew Oswald had come into the theater “between 1:00 and 1:07 P.M.” because he saw him inside the theater soon after that. As he told me, he sold popcorn to Oswald at 1:15 P.M.[431]—information that the Warren Commission did not solicit from him in his testimony. When Oswald bought his popcorn at 1:15 P.M., this was exactly the same time the Warren Report said Officer Tippit was being shot to death[432]—evidently by someone else.

Butch Burroughs was not alone in noticing Oswald in the Texas Theater by then. The man who would soon be identified as the president’s assassin drew the attention of several moviegoers because of his odd behavior.

Edging into a row of seats in the right rear section of the ground floor, Oswald had squeezed in front of eighteen-year-old Jack Davis. He then sat down in the seat right next to him. Because there were fewer than twenty people in the entire nine-hundred-seat theater, Davis wondered why the man chose such close proximity to him. Whatever the reason, the man didn’t stay there long. Oswald (as Davis would later identify him) got up quickly, moved across the aisle, and sat down next to someone else in the almost deserted theater. In a few moments, he stood up again and walked out to the lobby.[433]

Davis thought it obvious Oswald was looking for someone.[434] Yet it must have been someone he didn’t know personally. He sat next to each new person just long enough to receive a prearranged signal, in the absence of which he moved on to another possible contact.

Back out in the lobby at 1:15 P.M., Oswald then bought popcorn from Butch Burroughs at the concession stand.[435] Burroughs told author Jim Marrs and myself that he saw Oswald go back in the ground floor of the theater and sit next to a pregnant woman[436]—in another apparently fruitless effort to find his contact. Several minutes later, “the pregnant woman got up and went to the ladies washroom,” Burroughs said. He “heard the restroom door close just shortly before Dallas police came rushing into the theater.”[437] Jack Davis said it may have been “twenty minutes or so” after Oswald returned from the lobby (when Burroughs saw Oswald sit by the pregnant woman) that the house lights came on and the police rushed in.[438]

JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass



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APRIL 23, 2014 AT 4:08 PM

How ironic that Elizabeth Loftus has been introduced in this exchange.

“Loftus took her first academic appointment in 1970 at the New School for Social Research in New York City.[3] Her research during her time there focused on the organization of semantic information in longterm memory.” (from her bio.)

A rising star of the New School was Beatrice Bishop Berle, wife of Adolf Berle, State Department, OAS, present in Sao Paulo during the 1964 coup, and Board of Nationwide Insurance for whom William Hyde, father of Ruth Paine was employed, Berle’s prized endorsement of the Human Ecology Fund, Cornell University, enabled the MKUltra experiments. A key component of MKU training was the admonishment: “Remember to Forget.” Funny how memory was a significant focus of the operation, and that some years later, Ms. Loftus took up the mantle … perhaps to address those on whom the experiments had worn off? I’m not suggesting Barrett had been programmed; I am questioning the ethics of anyone that would parade Ms. Loftus’ expertise without acknowledging the spirit behind her training.

According to David Price, St. Martin’s University as published in “Anthropology Today” Vol. 23,No. 3, June 2007: https://www.wikileaks.org/w/images/AT-june07-Price-PT1.pdf

There are many elements of Human Ecology-funded

research whose articulation with CIA needs is still poorly

understood. For example, the funded bioelectrics research,

or programmes establishing psychiatric scales, or group

psychology studies may have been incorporated into the

CIA’s secret research on interrogation, or they may merely

have provided an air of legitimacy for the foundation

– obviously, psychiatric scales could be useful instru-

ments for interrogators gauging interrogation subjects’

mental health and responses. Questions remain concerning

what the Human Ecology Fund’s interest was in funding

Dr Beatrice Berle’s research on the impact of illness on

families in Harlem (HEF 1963). It may simply be that

the Fund was providing a Board member’s spouse with a

nepotistic kickback unrelated to MK-Ultra’s desires (Berle

was the wife of HEF Board member, educator, diplomat

and cold warrior Adolf Berle), but given the CIA’s record

of experimental abuse of prisoners and low-ranking sol-

diers (Biderman and Zimmer 1961, Marks 1979), we may

justifiably wonder what their interest in other relatively

disempowered and poor populations may have been. Other

listed Human Ecology-funded studies had obvious appli-

cations to MK-Ultra projects studying counterinsurgency

and propaganda. These include funded studies examining

revolutions, refugee studies, Chinese personality types,

Chinese family structure, Soviet psychology, cross-cultural

communication, and various studies examining elements of psychological




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Furthermore, the only record of “Oswald’s” purchase transaction from Klein’s was on Klein’s microfilm. The FBI lost, we’re told, the microfilm; it never was returned to Klein’s.

All that exists is a photograph of no provenance of an order form from Oswald to Klein’s. That order form does not exist. Nor does the microfilm from which it was allegedly photographed.

That’s called no chain of custody.

There’s NO WAY the rifle at the national archives gets admitted against Oswald in a trial



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Who found Oswald’s wallet?

Assassination, In 1963, Question, Video / By Bill Simpich



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https://youtu.be/Hh7Sp9M8tEE?t=3 --

Sylvia Meagher: The JFK Assassination and The Warren Report (1967)


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After 50 years, an FBI agent on the scene believes that the Dallas officer who brought Oswald to the police station is lying about finding the wallet in Oswald’s possession.

Barrett attacked Bentley’s claim that he found Oswald’s wallet for the first time in a WFAA news story last November. “They said they took the wallet out of his pocket in the car? That’s so much hogwash. That wallet was in (Captain) Westbrook’s hand.”

Why did Barrett wait 50 years to accuse Bentley of lying and obstruction of justice?

It was not a fight he cared to pick. Bentley had been Dallas’s chief polygraph examiner during 1963. It would have been professionally hazardous for Barrett to challenge Bentley before his death in 2008.

So what does the story of the wallet tell us?

It was not public knowledge that Oswald’s wallet was found at the Tippit murder scene until 1996. FBI agent Jim Hosty, who had responsibility for watching Oswald, wrote that a wallet containing identification for both Oswald and Alek Hidell was found near a pool of blood. Again, no witness ever saw the wallet on the ground. A second witness, patrolman Leonard Jez, told a conference in 1999 that the wallet was identified at the murder scene as belonging to Oswald.

Rookstool told WFAA that the testimony of Barrett and Croy, Tippit’s billfold, and the WFAA film prove that Oswald’s wallet was at the scene of the policeman’s murder.



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“Permanent Industrial Exhibition”

based in Basel, Switzerland

“Parent Company” (usually referred to as “associated with”) is Centro Mondiale Comerciale (CMC)

creation announced on December 28, 1956

plans included a trade center, a hotel, and an office center

moved to Italy in 1958

Ferenc Nagy

Hans Seligman (?)

George Mandel (Mantello)

Clay Shaw

Jean DeMenil (Schlumberger Corporation)

CMC created in 1961, by Louis Bloomfield (former OSS)

Nagy on CMC board

Gutierrez di Spadaforo

Giuseppe Zigiotti (Italian fascist)

accused of funneling money to the Secret Army Organization (OAS) which had targeted Charles de

Gaulle for assassination.

Moved to Rome in 1958

Italian press exposed CMC’s mission and the company moved to South Africa



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Ted Shackley A Life in the CIA

Theodore Shackley is one of the most infamous figures in the history of the CIA. His career in the CIA involved him in many of their most notorious operations. He recruited Nazis and traitors to spy on the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. He managed the covert war on Cuba from the Miami CIA station after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. There he formed links with many suspected of being involved with the JFK assassination both in organized crime and the CIA. He was chief of Station in Laos during a massive expansion of the dirty war there. Laos was also at the center of the international heroin trade which was used to finance the dirty war there. Next he became Chief of Station in Vietnam where he oversaw death squads, fixed elections, manipulated the media, and distorted intelligence to please the Nixon Administration. His next assignment was the Western Hemisphere division where he managed the destabilization of Chile and tried to stop Phillip Agee from revealing the Agencies many dirty dealings in Latin America. Next he was in charge of the Far Eastern Division while America finally lost it's decades long war in Asia with the fall of Saigon.



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"Mrs. Kennedy sat in the rear of the plane next to the coffin bearing the president's remains. (40:24)


That rules out any alteration of the body on the flight back to Washington DC from Dallas.


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